Covid broke me!
Covid broke me! The staffing on our ward was poor before Covid. We were constantly working down at least 1 or 2 and always had to absorb the first patient special within the numbers. I was coming home in tears, physically and emotionally exhausted and distressed because I was constantly being set up to fail in the care of my patients whom I so much prided myself on delivering a good standard of care. Then came Covid. It got worse! More work with PPE and nursing patients who were ? Covid and then on confirmation they were shipped out to the Covid ward! I just could no longer do it! Burnt out I exhausted all my sick leave then followed up with my Annual leave and then my Long Service leave before I resigned. I signed on as Casual and that was worse… Flicked from ward to ward with spot management of short staffing I decided not doing that. Self preservation rules! I am passionate about nursing but no longer am I going to put myself in the position of risking my registration with error by working with unreasonable and safe workloads! Game Over. Passionate RN signs off!! Not supported and not valued!!