I feel sick
I feel sick most days at work. Sick with stress, fatigue, that I can’t do the job as well as I want to. I am passionate about patient care and particularly rural health. I have watched this government slowly whittle away our resources and staffing and at the same time the morale of my fellow nurses. The treatment of nurses and the patient’s we care for is nothing short of appalling. I can only hope one day that our Premier and health minister need to use our public health service and are afforded the care they get just the same as everyone else in a diminished system. If they are in a rural area, perhaps they won’t even get a doctor (or an exhausted nurse) to look after them but will need to dial in via telehealth and told that system is “okay”. We are a rich country who can afford to fund a public health system. It makes me sick to think we are now governed by the greed of a Coalition government who I feel is deliberately dismantling our public health service in order for a privatised model. Now that is shameful