Specialise in reproductive & sexual health
Nurses looking to specialise in reproductive and sexual health can now enrol in the July session of Family Planning NSW’s Reproductive and Sexual Health (RSH) Clinical Accreditation Program (RSH-CAP) Theory only course.
The accreditation program is suitable for registered or enrolled nurses and midwives who wish to function in an extended clinical role as experts in reproductive and sexual health.
This course is particularly suitable for nurses and midwives who are working, or want to work in general practice, family planning, youth and corrective services, sexual health, drug & alcohol services, HIV/ AIDS, women’s health, as well as gynaecology and midwifery.
Family Planning NSW Nurse Educator Anum Khan says the course, which was adapted for online learning during the peak of last year’s pandemic, gives frontline nurses and midwives increased flexibility to conduct their professional development activities.
“This course allows us to share our expertise on all aspects of reproductive and sexual health, including practical, legal and ethical considerations,” said Ms Khan.
“Family Planning NSW courses are informed by the latest independent research in reproductive and sexual health, and 95 years of experience serving the community.”
The updated program, which runs over 19 weeks, offers a blend of self-paced online learning, live webinars and discussion forums, as well as reflective learning and assessments. The course gives participants a deep understanding of practical concepts including history taking, contraception, disability, cervical screening, breast health, pregnancy options, men’s health and STIs.
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia is encouraging health professionals to do continuing professional development which is COVID-safe and relevant to current or future work practices.
“This course is an excellent way to safely specialise in a growing area of practice and shape your future career,” Ms Khan said.
Maternity, sexual and reproductive health have also been identified as key priorities in the National Women’s Health Strategy for 2020-2030, making it imperative that professionals embrace training about sexual and reproductive health care services, including information, diagnosis and treatment.
Participants from the February 2021 intake said the course helped them to “enhance clinical knowledge and scope of practice” by providing content that was “well designed” and “very relevant” to their work.
The RSH-CAP (theory) course begins on 12 July, 2021.The course runs for approximately four months and costs $1,840, which covers expenses such as participant workbooks, e-learning resources and one year’s complimentary subscription to the updated Reproductive and Sexual Health Handbook.
The digital RSH Handbook is a useful guide, providing in-depth information on complex presentations such as abnormal uterine bleeding, female sexual interest and arousal disorder, pelvic inflammatory disease, male sexual dysfunction and more.
Upon completion of the accreditation in late October, 2021, successful participants will receive a Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health – Theory Only. The course is equivalent to 88 hours of training and meets the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s standards for continued professional development.
For more information, visit the Family Planning NSW website, or contact Family Planning NSW Education Services by phoning (02) 8752 4300 or emailing
Family Planning NSW is the state’s leading provider of reproductive and sexual health services and education.
This article was sponsored by Family Planning NSW.