Why Nurses And Midwives Should Consider Getting A Masters In Nursing
It’s a thought that most nurses and midwives have throughout their careers, whether going back to study is for them. And what better way to continue to learn and grow? Achieving that next step in your career can really open up a lot of opportunities, especially if you want to be a nurse educator, get a doctorate or move into management. Here are some main reasons we think it’s worth it:
Continue to learn
Everyone wants to be an expert in something, and this is a great opportunity to build on the knowledge you already have as a registered nurse or midwife. A masters in nursing is also the first step towards completing a Ph.D. in nursing, which would allow you teach at a university or potentially lead research projects.
Career advancement
As the healthcare sector has been changing rapidly for years, every year it’s more and more important for nurses and midwives to undertake more complex roles. Having a masters enables you to get ahead in the game and be ready for change. Management or nurse educator roles often require you to have done your masters and bring added bonuses like more flexibility and often more pay!
It’s easier than you think
How good is studying without having to leave your home? It’s easy to find fully-accredited online courses that allow you to study part-time over two years, while making sure you get to control your own schedule. It’s a bit different to what it was like the first time we went to university, when we had 8am lectures to get to.
Have an interest? Specialise
If you’re particularly interested in an area of healthcare, getting a masters will enable you to focus your study and become an expert. Aged care? Mental health? Rural care? Take your pick, you can specialise deeper in any of these.
Before making up your mind on any of these, it’s a really good idea to speak to the nurses and midwives you currently work with who have studied a masters before. But don’t just ask them if they think it’s a good idea, make sure you understand the highs and the lows of their experience and how it has changed their working life.
Want to find out more about where you can study? There are a number of online education providers that offer part-time degrees in nursing over 24 months. Find one that’s right for you and your career development.