Community Campaigns
Port Macquarie nurses rally over unjust wage freeze
A group of nurses and midwives have highlighted their opposition to the NSW Government’s planned public sector wage freeze, during a rally outside Port Macquarie Base Hospital.
On Wednesday, 15 July, members of NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) voiced their concerns regarding the local economic impacts of a wage freeze with the Shadow Minister for Rural Health, Kate Washington.
Earlier in the week, NSWNMA Port Macquarie branch members also met with local Nationals MP, Leslie Williams, but were unsuccessful in gaining her support in their campaign against a wage freeze.
In recent weeks, NSWNMA members have received backing from almost 60 Port Macquarie businesses who signed onto the Stop the Wage Freeze campaign.
Port Macquarie Base Hospital Branch President, Mark Brennan, said nurses and midwives supported these local businesses daily, but would be forced to cut their spending if the 2.5% wage freeze goes ahead.
“Leslie Williams is a former nurse and we asked her to stand alongside us as we campaign to stop the wage freeze. Sadly she declined, but fortunately the Port Macquarie community supports nurses who continue to put others first,” said Mr Brennan.
“We’re very humbled by the growing support from local businesses and shop owners. They know just how much a public sector wage freeze will hurt all of us.
“We’re not backing down and we’ll continue calling on the government to support our community by not freezing public sector workers’ wages this year or any other year. It’s bad economic policy and bad for Port Macquarie.”
The NSWNMA is disputing the wage freeze in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission alongside other public sector unions.
Support our campaign to stop the wage freeze against nurses and midwives. Sign your support here.