Member Stories
Healthscope nurses are more than a corporate bottom line
When I went into nursing 30 something years ago, I never expected to become wealthy, what I did expect was that I would be able to support my family.
With the closure of two public hospitals, we were promised a private operator that would provide all the bells and whistles and “state of the art equipment” our public system couldn’t afford. But the working conditions and pay at Northern Beaches Hospital are far from a dream situation.
As a member representative in negotiations with Healthscope, I was naïve to what these processes were like. I was shocked by how quickly my passion for my profession, turned into a fight for us to be valued for the work we do.
I was emboldened for us to be seen as more than a commodity attached to some corporate, profit driven business plan. Negotiations have been fierce: Our heartfelt stories of being stretched beyond what is humanly possible, of leaving work in tears because we had to sacrifice the quality of care we provide to our patients, has fallen on deaf ears.
I’m part of an extraordinary team of member negotiators, from Healthscope hospitals across the state. We have been supported by amazing NSWNMA organisers and staff, but we are now at
an impasse. We know what we’re worth. Our local community knows our value.
When we took historic industrial action, they didn’t know what hit them, they weren’t ready for us. They underestimated the strength we have collectively.
We have been pushed to the point of taking industrial action and will
continue our fight. We have just started. A couple of Healthscope strikes in,
and the feeling of unity has ignited our members to fight back.
I am extremely proud to be a voice for my colleagues in this fight.
Sheridan Brady, RN