Aged Care
10 Questions to Ask: all things Aged Care
An expanded resource developed by nurses, doctors, industry experts and consumer groups to help people navigate complexities across the aged care sector will be rolled out nationally from this week.
Launching the 10 Questions to Ask series at Parliament House in Canberra, Federal Assistant Aged Care Minister, Ged Kearney, today welcomed the translated resources for people seeking residential and in-home aged care, developed by the NSW Aged Care Roundtable.
The NSW Aged Care Roundtable includes medical, clinical and consumer representatives, who used their expertise to collaborate on a series of 10 Questions to Ask leaflets, each providing a ‘top 10’ of suggested aged care related questions and answers.
Endorsed by credible professional and advocacy organisations, each easily accessible leaflet focuses on an individual aspect of aged care to increase consumer knowledge and make the journey into residential or in-home aged care simpler.
Following input from the Department of Health and Aged Care translation service, the leaflets have also been translated into 15 different languages, as well as six Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, with support from the Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra, and the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) NSW & ACT.
Whether you are searching for a high quality residential aged care facility, reviewing the quality of your current residential aged care facility or deciding between similar service providers, it’s your right to ask questions and find the best service available.
Leaflets can be found at: