Health advocates across multiple sectors have panned the Morrison Government’s recent budget for being inadequate in its approach towards health care.
The Morrison Government’s so-called “Back in Black” budget is slated to return the nation’s finances to surplus at the expense of health, disability and welfare initiatives.
Dementia Australia CEO Maree McCabe noted that while the budget was a “good start”, it did not go to the heart of tackling dementia and provide adequate care for those living with the condition.
“A comprehensive and coordinated action plan is required to address the complex needs of people living with dementia [and] I urge for significant investment in dementia care”, Ms McCabe said.
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation echoed this sentiment, calling the budget a “missed opportunity” to address concerns about the safety and quality of Aged Care facilities across the country.
Rural health has also been left off the agenda, with the National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA) noting that the budget contained “few benefits” for the health of rural Australians.
NRHA CEO Mark Diamond said that they were “disappointed to see that major population health issues were missing in the budget”.
The Australian Council of Social Service has also condemned the Government budget, with CEO Cassandra Goldie indicating that this budget “guarantees more cuts to essential services”, disadvantaging already vulnerable Australians.