You are invited to participate in a research study on the attitudes and perceptions of newly registered nurses around mandatory reporting and child maltreatment, and their experiences of pre-service (undergraduate) education on these topics. The study is being conducted by Sarah Stenson, who is enrolled in a Doctorate of Philosophy (Nursing) at Charles Sturt University in the School of Nursing, Paramedicine, and Healthcare Sciences.
Before you decide whether you wish to participate in this study, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take the time to read the following
information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish.
What is the purpose of this study?
Previous research has shown that registered nurses are not reporting child maltreatment concerns as often as other professions due to range of barriers. One such barrier is their preconceptions and attitudes towards mandatory reporting and child maltreatment; another is a lack of foundational education/knowledge. Studies suggest that pre-service (undergraduate) education for nurses should include opportunities for the students to reflect on and challenge their preconceptions and attitudes about child maltreatment and mandatory reporting.
This study aims to explore newly registered nurses’ experiences of pre-service education around child maltreatment and mandatory reporting, including whether there were opportunities to address preconceptions and attitudes. Additionally, this study will ask:
- How is pre-service education for registered nurses in Australia delivered and what opportunities are provided to address preconceptions around child maltreatment and mandatory reporting?
- How does pre-service education in Australia prepare newly registered nurses to recognise and report child maltreatment?
- What are newly registered nurses’ perceptions of the effectiveness of preservice education around child maltreatment and mandatory reporting?
Why have I been invited to participate in this study?
We are seeking newly registered nurses, that is, registered nurses with no more than 2 years postgraduate experience. To be eligible, you must have completed an undergraduate nursing degree at an Australian institution. You do not have to have experience or knowledge of mandatory reporting or child maltreatment to participate in this study.
What does this study involve?
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to attend an interview of up to 60 minutes with the primary researcher, Sarah Stenson. Mrs. Stenson will ask you some questions about your pre-service (undergraduate) education experiences, particularly around what, if any, education was provided around mandatory reporting and child maltreatment.
You will also have the opportunity to email through any “additional thoughts” to Mrs. Stenson after the interview, should you wish to.
Are there risks and benefits to me in taking part in this study?
There are no anticipated benefits to you in participating in this research.
As we will be asking questions around mandatory reporting of child maltreatment, there is a risk that this may cause distress to some participants. You will be able to request to pause or cease the interview at any time if you feel distressed and we will support you to access a suitable counselling service if required.
How is this study being paid for?
This study is being supported by funds from a Charles Sturt University scholarship.
Will taking part in this study (or travelling to) cost me anything, and will I be paid?
There is no reimbursement for participating in this study. There will be no cost to you to participate in this study.
What if I don’t want to take part in this study?
Participation in this research is entirely your choice. Whether or not you decide to participate is your decision and will not disadvantage you. Only those who give their informed consent will be included in the project.
What if I participate and want to withdraw later?
You can withdraw from the study up until analysis of your interview has been commenced. This will occur two weeks after your interview has taken place. Should you wish to withdraw from the study, please email Mrs. Stenson at
How will my confidentiality be protected?
All names and identifying information will be kept confidential. You will be assigned a pseudonym so that your name/identity is not associated with your interview answers, and neither your name nor any other identifying details will be printed in any subsequent publications.
Any information that might identify you, including visual images or video (if interviewing over Teams), will be stored securely and only accessed by the researcher and/or supervisors unless you consent otherwise. Should you decide to email Mrs. Stenson with any additional/later thoughts or ideas after the interview, these comments will be de-identified and stored with interview data on a secure server.
Data will be retained for five years after final publication of results and stored securely within Charles Sturt University servers.
What will happen to the information that I give you?
The information collected in your interview will be included in a thesis to go towards Mrs. Stenson’s PhD qualification, as well as being submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. The information published may include direct quotes and/or paraphrasing of answers given in your interview. Any quotes or records from your interview will be de-identified to project your privacy and confidentiality.
Data gathered in the interviews will not be used for any purpose other than that described here.
You can request to receive the results of the research study as well as copies of any publications that come from the study. If you would like to receive the results of the study and/or any publications, please indicate this on the consent form. You can also email Mrs. Stenson at any time to request that you receive copies of the results and/or publications.
You can choose to conduct your interview with Mrs. Stenson face-to-face or via teleconference using Microsoft Teams. Your interview will be recorded and transcribed. You will be able to review your interview transcript before it is used in the research project.
If you opt to have the interview face-to-face, only audio will be recorded.
If you opt to have the interview via Microsoft Teams, then both audio and video will be recorded as Teams does not allow the recording of audio only. You may choose to have your camera off if you wish. Any visual representations of you (i.e., video) will be stored securely and only viewed by the researchers and the transcriber. No images of you will be published. You may request a copy of the interview recordings if you wish.
If you choose to email any additional comments to Mrs. Stenson after the interview has concluded, this information will be securely stored and viewed only by the researchers listed here. These additional comments will be de-identified and saved with interview transcripts, in a separate document, on a secure server.
What should I do if I want to discuss this study further before deciding?
If you would like further information, please contact Sarah Stenson at or 02 6338 4376.
Who should I contact if I have concerns about the conduct of this study?
Charles Sturt University’s Human Research Ethics Committee has approved this project. If you have any complaints or reservations about the ethical conduct of this project, you may contact the Committee through the Research Integrity Unit via the following contact details:
The Presiding Officer
Human Research Ethics Committee
Research Integrity Unit
Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2678
Phone: (02) 6933 4213
Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated thoroughly, and you will be informed of the outcome.
Thank you for considering participating in this research project.
Please keep this information sheet for future reference.
If you feel you need support, please reach out to one of the services below or another appropriate support service.
Nurse and Midwife Support Ph. 1800 667 877
Blue Knot Foundation Helpline Ph. 1300 657 380
Mrs. Sarah Stenson, RN, BN, MN(CFHN), PhD Candidate
Lecturer in Nursing
School of Nursing, Paramedicine, and Healthcare Sciences
Charles Sturt University
Professor Julian Grant
Associate Dean Research
School of Nursing, Paramedicine, and Healthcare Sciences
Charles Sturt University
Dr. Angela Fenton
Associate Head of School (Learning & Teaching), Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Charles Sturt University
Professor Alison Hutton
Assistant Dean International
School of Nursing and Midwifery
University of Newcastle