Nurses and midwives will join members of the LGBTIQ+ community at a rally on the 12th of February against the Morrison Government’s proposed Religious Discrimination Bill.
The bill threatens to override current state and federal anti-discrimination law in regards to the LGBTIQ+ community. This includes provisions for employees to be sacked based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Legal protections around so-called “statements of belief” have also drawn concern from members of the community.
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation has indicated their opposition to the proposed laws.
“Health workers care for every person, free of discrimination and unequal treatment as this is the best way to get healthy outcomes for everyone,” the Federation said in a statement via Facebook.
“Discrimination leads to physical and mental harm. It is a major driver of health inequities”.
Declan Maher, a NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association member and member of Community Action for Rainbow Rights (CARR), has also raised concerns about the proposed legislation.
“After the marriage equality plebiscite, there has been a push from parts of the Right onto other terrain. This has included attacks on other rights of gay and transgender people,” Maher said.
Maher has invited nurses and midwives to attend the rally and to support the rights of LGBTIQ+ people.
“It is important for nurses and midwives to oppose this bill due to its consequences against both staff and patients. This is of particular note considering the unique health needs of the LGBTIQ+ community.
“It would mean a lot for both LGBTIQ+ staff and patients to see their colleagues supportive of their rights”.
The rally is being hosted by Community Action for Rainbow Rights. The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association has endorsed the rally.
The rally will be held at 13:00 on the 12th of February at Town Hall Square. You can find out more about this event here.