The World Health’s Organisation’s Chief Nursing Officer, Elizabeth Iro, has thanked nurses and midwives for their work through the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an interview for the International Nursing Review, Ms Iro reflected on the nursing and midwifery during the COVID-19 outbreak, and how health staff have risen to the challenge of the world’s largest pandemic in a century.
In the interview, Ms Iro thanked nurses and midwives for their efforts in keeping their communities safe.
“I want to acknowledge all the nurses of the world for the work that they do in very challenging circumstances and thank them for their service,” she said.
“It has been a really tough year, and we have seen the leadership of nurses at various levels”.
In reflecting on the pandemic, Ms Iro acknowledged that COVID-19 continued to challenge nurses and midwives, and that further support was required to ensure they could continue to do their jobs.
“What COVID-19 has shown is nurses’ leadership, commitment, compassion, courage and expertise,” she said.
“Sadly, nurses were infected, and some have died, and that has been terrible. But amazingly, nurses have just continued to do what they have to do to take care of the people they have to take care of”.
In highlighting the contributions of nurses and midwives around the world, Ms Iro called on governments to invest in the workforce and the professions.
“We need investment in nurses and midwives. The time is now,” she said.
“We need to act now to encourage countries to really consider the options they have around nurse education, jobs, leadership and practice. This is the time to take that forward.
“My message is that nursing leadership is vital, and encouragement of our young nurses is going to be critical as a way forward”.