Public sector branches are set to vote on a recommended log of claims containing a proposed pay rise that would make PHS pay comparable with Queensland.
As branches are about to vote on a draft log of claims that is the culmination of months of consultation, more than 30 branch resolutions and intense discussion and decision making by the Log of Claims Committee (LOCC).
NSWNMA Assistant General Secretary Michael Whaites said in past award negotiations there was a history of long claims that were not taken seriously and dismissed by the Ministry of Health.
This time, he said, the LOCC decided on a concise claim that members would be prepared to “really fight for”.
“The committee settled on claims that, where possible, aligned with the Association’s Strategic Plan and reflected widely felt issues,” he said.
Assistant General Secretary Michael Whaites says ratios continue to be a key claim. “The focus for this round will be for additional funding to complete the ratios rollout across the five designated areas and additional funding for AINs to be supernumerary,” he said.
A key component of the claim is for a 15 per cent pay rise which Michael described as “ambitious but reasonable”. He said the figure was arrived at after hearing from Professor John Buchanan, a highly respected industrial relations expert and after looking at inflation compared to public sector pay rises since the wages cap was introduced in 2011.
“We also looked at productivity across the general economy for the same period. The LOCC felt, given the data, 15 per cent is a claim that can be justified in the Industrial Relations Commission,” Michael said. “Fifteen per cent would also make public sector pay competitive with Queensland and return NSW nurses to being among the top paid in Australia.”
Other claims that would increase take-home pay are:
• Night duty shift penalty to 30 per cent
• Salary packaging at 100 per cent
• Continuing Education Allowance for CNE/CMEs
• Meal allowance for Patient Transport Service
This campaign will seek to implement the claims within one year.
Michael says unity, commitment and a disciplined campaign “will put us in the best possible position to achieve our claims”. “This is a claim that is aimed at assisting the government to recruit and retain the workforce we need to implement ratios.
“This is a claim that calls for the government to invest in nurses and midwives, and invest in ratios,” he said.
NSWNMA The Log of Claims Committee consisted of:
- Shaye Candish and Michael Whaites along with:
- Councillors: Sue White (Coffs Harbour) , Di Lang (South East Regional)
- Delegates Fadi Ramadan, (Bulli) Nicholas Tribbia, (Blue Mountains) Thom Hoffman, (Children’s Hospital Westmead) Peggy Smith, (Muswellbrook) Mark Brennan, (Port Macquarie) Karen Hart, (Wagga Wagga)