Modern award wages to lift by 5.75%
The trade union movement has been fighting hard to increase wages for workers amidst a cost-of-living crisis and today it paid off with workers on modern awards set to receive a wage increase of 5.75% from 1 July 2023.
The Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review has set the wage increase for the one-in-four workers who are covered by modern awards. These awards are the base standards for wages and conditions for workers in Australia.
The Annual Wage Review also determined that workers on the minimum wage should receive a wage increase of 8.6%.
In delivering the determination, Fair Work Commission President Adam Hatcher emphasised the need for modern award wages to maintain their value in line with inflation.
“In the medium to long-term, it is desirable that modern award minimum wages maintain their real value and increase in line with the trend rate of national productivity growth,” Commissioner Hatcher noted.
The increase has been lauded by the union movement with Australian Council of Trade Unions Secretary, Sally McManus, describing the increase as “the largest increase awarded” through the Annual Wage Review process.
“[This wage increase] will make an incredible difference to workers,” she said.
The award determination will affect private sector nurses and midwives covered by the Nurses Award, the Aged Care Award, and the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Care (SCHADS) Industry Award. It will not directly affect nurses and midwives covered by enterprise agreements or employed in the public sector.
For nurses working in the Aged Care sector, this increase is on top of the 15% wage increase previously determined by the Fair Work Commission.
Unsure if you’re eligible for the 5.75% wage increase? If you’re a NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association member, get in contact with us today.