Unfair economy gathering speed
A new poll today shows that seven out of 10 Australians believe that the combination of penalty rate cuts, tax cuts for high income earners, and Ministers’ pay rises will create an unfair economy that benefits the wealthy over ordinary workers.
The poll is being released on the day that penalty rates cuts come into force for 700,000 of Australia’s lowest paid workers. The same day the Turnbull Government approved pay rises for politicians, and Government-backed tax cuts for millionaires and massive corporations, come into effect.
The polling shows that:
• 71.5 per cent of Australians believe the changes coming into force on 1 July (penalty rate cuts, high income earner tax cuts, and Turnbull Government approved pay rises) will create an unfair economy.
• There is a much larger proportion of the population who support a union campaign to address wage growth in Australia, with 46.5 per cent in support of a campaign, compared to only 29.1 per cent against.
ACTU President Ged Kearney said: “Today, working Australians begin to bear the cost of the Turnbull Government’s perverse policies. The lowest paid people unfairly have to take a pay cut, when millionaires and big business line up for massive income windfalls through tax cuts.”
“The rules need to change so working people can win back the power to fight for their fair share of the wealth of this country.”
“It’s galling for all Australians that while the lowest paid will be forced to sacrifice the basics in life, Malcolm Turnbull and his millionaire mates are getting pay rises and tax cuts.”
“Everyone knows that employers are not paying fair wages because wage growth is completely stagnant while profits continue to grow. The research released today shows that Australians have had enough.”
“When a whopping 71.5 per cent of people think things have gone too far one way, then you know something has to give. It’s time to change direction and make Australia fair again.”
“We will be campaigning on this issue every day until this government summons the courage to face the people whose wages have been cut.”
“Businesses can choose not to pass on these cuts and hundreds of unionists will be out this weekend lobbying businesses not to cut penalty rates for their employees.”
“United Voice and the SDA have launched a legal challenge to protect their members; it’s profoundly disappointing that the Government doesn’t share their concern for the welfare of low-paid workers.”
“We call on employers to do what the Government has refused to do and protect wages for workers. Every employer has a choice and they do not have to pass on these brutal cuts to their employees.”