Workplace News
Victorians get “Pandemic Leave”, NSW gets nothing
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a “Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment” scheme for Victorians through COVID-19, but has left NSW in the lurch.
Under the scheme, workers who are required to isolate, but cannot access sick leave entitlements, or other forms of income support such as JobSeeker and JobKeeper. However, the scheme has been limited to Victoria.
This is despite the recent increase in COVID-19 case numbers in NSW.
Research has shown that workplace transmission is a source of community transmission in the Australian context.
Australian Council of Trade Unions Secretary, Sally McManus, has criticised the move as being a “half-measure”.
“We need to do better. We need to do everything we reasonably can”, she notes in a statement.
“[Paid pandemic leave] is how we ensure that this pandemic ends as quickly as possible with as few people infected as possible”.
The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association will continue its campaign for paid pandemic leave for all nurses and midwives in NSW. The leave is currently accessible through a limited number of employers, including NSW Health, BUPA and aged care facilities covered by the Nurses Award 2010.
Join the campaign for paid pandemic leave. Be part of your nursing and midwifery association today, by clicking here.