Standard 6: provide safe and appropriate care
We agree each year to abide by our standards for practice.
this just seems to be getting harder and harder as more tasks just keep getting added to the list. The patients are suffering and we are mentally and physically exhausted. we can not provide safe care for our patients.
last year I was a new grad, our staffing levels were so bad some shifts we had 5 new grads on the floor with 1 senior nurse, on a ward with extremely sick patients requiring medical emergency teams. This putting extreme pressure and responsibility onto the senior nurse and creating anxiety and a feeling of no support for us new grads. The amount of times I went home crying or cried in the supplies room because I could not find support due to lack of staff, educators that then meant I was not providing the care my patient required and deserved that I agreed to in my registration.
I became a nurse to care for those who are sick and vulnerable, who need someone to advocate for them. However the government seem to not care.
is it because they all have private health and they get special treatment if they have to attend hospital due to illness?
I’m in my second year of being a registered nurse and I love my job but I am exhausted, we as a team are exhausted. We are trying our best but the government is against us.