Stop taking advantage because they care
We watch our daughter come home from work obliterated with exhaustion. A New Graduate in the Public System who has always wanted to be a nurse is now questioning her career choice. Shortages of staff are sometimes inevitable but not EVERY day/shift. How is 1x new grad, 1x 2nd year and 1x AIN for 35 geriatric assessment ward patients safe?? There’s no time for any care, as hard as they try. Why would you enter this career and why would you stay as a long time nurse? They don’t get reasonable leave and forget about any reasonable annual leave in a time which might suit them. Imagine for one minute if these dedicated nurses walked away for five minutes! Just five minutes of the wards!! It would be chaos but this government takes, takes and takes. When it all goes terribly wrong it’s the nurses who loose their career, credibility and profession. Stop taking advantage of the fact they care …. That why they are nurses.