Aged Care: Reactive Behaviours
This session will look at the prevention and management of Reactive Behaviours as well as the roll of Support Plans.
Historical trauma is a major cause of triggers for some consumers resulting in reactive and at times aggressive behaviour.
The session we will explore both traumas and responses including those experienced by survivors of The Holocaust, wars (both Veterans and civilians), The Stolen Generation, child abuse and domestic violence.
The terms reactive or responsive behaviours have now replaced the traditional term of challenging behaviours.
The change of term reminds nurses, that residents are often responding to their thoughts and feelings and may be responding to a trigger, event or thought, that may require some intervention by staff.
The program will include group discussions, small group work and role playing.
Presented by: Kathryne Turek, Aged Care Consultant/Director, Aged Care Consulting. You can register for this event here.