Public Health
Fiery rally in Wollongong
‘HEED OUR WARNINGS’ was the front-page banner headline introducing the Illawarra Mercury’s coverage of the strike in Wollongong.
The Mercury said hundreds of nurses marched from Wollongong Hospital to a rally in MacCabe Park.
“As they marched down Crown Street, they were met with honks of support from stopped traffic, and pedestrians and shoppers stopped to applaud or say thank you,” the Mercury reported.
Marchers carried placards, including one that showed portraits of Premier Perrottet and Health Minister Brad Hazzard, labelled, “The two biggest hazzards to the health of NSW.”
The Mercury, quoting nurses, said the hospital was short 136 full-time staff.
“If a hospital is 136 nurses short, the only way it’s functioning, is from nurses working their absolute arses off on overtime and there sure as hell are shifts where patient safety is being compromised. Heed our warnings,” said Genevieve Stone, NSWNMA delegate at Wollongong Hospital.
At the “fiery” rally, local Labor MPs got “a mixed response from fed-up nurses, with some clapping but others shouting questions from the crowd,” The Mercury reported.
Since the rally Labor has committed to supporting important parts of our 2022 claim.