Public Health
Nurses and midwives pleas ignored in NSW State Budget
The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) is disappointed by the NSW Government’s failure to address the need for nurse-to-patient ratios in the 2018-19 Budget.
General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes, said the government’s welcome investments in healthcare would need to be matched by more nurses and midwives to ensure patients receive the best care.
“The 950 new nursing positions announced in the NSW State Budget yesterday is a step in the right direction, but nurses and midwives urgently need safe staffing levels. That means better, more transparent nurse-to-patient ratios,” Mr Holmes said.
“NSW public hospitals are facing more patient admissions without enough staffing to meet the demand.
“Introducing ratios across the state would guarantee there are enough nurses and midwives to give patients the best possible care.”
The NSW Government has also failed to clarify where the 950 new nurses will be based, and what skill mix they will have.
“Nurses and midwives on the frontline are already run off their feet. How will the government guarantee they will be supported in the future?
“This band-aid fix is barely enough to deal with the current staffing stresses in hospitals. It is certainly not enough to deal with the growing demand on our health services in the years to come.
“International research backs the need for nurse-to-patient ratios – why is this Government still resisting something guaranteed to improve patient care? Only nurse-to-patient ratios can deliver the best outcome for the people of NSW.”