Public Health
Our message is being heard
We need to pressure politicians more if we are to achieve ratios Assistant General Secretary Michael Whites told annual conference.
Michael Whaites said that while the Public Health System campaign was about fighting for a pay rise, better workloads and better healthcare we were also fighting for something “a little deeper than that”.
“We’re fighting for politicians to show you the respect you deserve, to listen to your clinical judgment about what is really going on in the system and then making the right decision to fix it.”
Michael said the community was listening to our message.
“Simple actions, and some not so simple have highlighted your stories, stories that the community need to hear and are hearing.
“When miners on the South Coast ask themselves whether today’s health system could cope with a disaster and come to the conclusion “no” and have joined your claim for ratios you know that our message is getting through.”
He said that our actions were also having an impact on politicians.
“Prior to the state budget ministers conceded that there is a problem.
“The health minister conceded that the NHPPD system is being manipulated and said he was doing all he can to convince his party that we need more nurses and midwives in the system.”
Michael said the government also conceded that they needed to pay nurses and midwives more.
“So you can see the government in some ways is responding but they are drawing the wrong conclusions as a result of their ideological opposition to ratios.”
Where the parties currently stand on our campaign
Lower House independent MPs Greg Piper, Alex Greenwich, Dr Jo McGirr and Helen Dalton back our claim.
The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers and the Animal Justice Party have shown support.
The Greens have tabled a bill in parliament, which if passed would require shift by shift ratios to be implemented but without the support of the ALP the bill will not pass.
Michael Whaites urged members to put pressure on their local MPs in the lead up to the March 2003 state election.
“It is important for every public sector nurse or midwife to go and visit your local politician no matter what political party they belong to. Tell them your story, tell them why you need ratios and tell them to fix it.”