Your CPD during the 2020-2021 registration year
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), along with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra), have advised that they will not take action if a nurse or midwife declares that they could not meet their required CPD hours for the 2020-2021 registration period.
The 2021 statement is below:
CPD requirements
The NMBA is aware that there are many CPD activities that are COVID-safe options and many CPD programs and providers have now adapted their programs to be COVID-safe. We encourage you to continue to do CPD that is relevant to your scope of practice and your current work environment.
Nurses and midwives are reminded that the following learning opportunities may also contribute to CPD hours:
- COVID-19 in-services
- Reading and reflecting on COVID-19 journal articles
- COVID-19 infection control training – online training modules (including Australian Government Department of Health)
We understand that some nurses and midwives may still have trouble meeting the CPD requirements due to the pandemic. You should answer all renewal questions honestly and accurately. The NMBA will not take action if a nurse or midwife declares that they could not meet their required CPD hours for the 2020-21 registration period.
However, CPD evidence may be requested for nurses and/or midwives who declare that they are unable to meet the Registration standard: Recency of practice.
Please refer to the Registration renewal fact sheet for more information.