Seeking RN research participants : How do Masters qualified RNs make a difference in clinical settings in Australia?
Anita Dunn, a PhD candidate, is particularly interested in interviewing RNs who work with RNs with a Master of Nursing qualification. Email Anita at
The research will examine the benefits masters qualified nurses provide, through interviews with nurses who work with them. The findings of the research project could provide evidence to better support the advanced education of RNs, influencing national policies to prepare an advanced nursing profession to adequately meet labour market demands and health needs of Australians. The research will include both individual interviews and focus groups with registered nurses who currently work in healthcare settings in Australia to explore how masters qualified nurses make a difference in clinical settings.
The researcher is asking for us to promote the research to potential participants. The researcher has agreed to share results with the Association and to acknowledge the Association in promoting the research. Only the researchers will have access to the raw data provided. All data collected is de-identified and stored securely. No emails or IP addresses are stored. Participants can withdraw from the study at any time.
Principal investigator: Anita Dunn, a PhD candidate, who is particularly interested in interviewing RNs who work with RNs with a Master of Nursing qualification. Email Anita at Phone: 0407 071 018
Ethics approval: HREC Approval Number H9189, James Cook University.