5 tips for smashing a new grad video interview
Has your new grad interview been moved online? For most of us, this format of interviewing may be quite strange, and it could be the first time you’ve done things this way. That said, here are The Lamp’s top tips for making the most of it – and hopefully secure that dream job!
Minimise interruptions
Interviews are nerve-wracking enough as they are without having to deal with unnecessary interruptions. It can be pretty bad when you’re midway through an answer and your dog or housemate walks in to break up your train of thought. While interviewers would be aware that things do come up, it is probably not the best look if your phone rings during your conversations.
Let others around you know that you’ll be conducting an interview at a certain time, and consider putting a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door. Put your pets away, and make sure your children are being looked after by someone else during this period. Also, get your phone as far away from you as possible – you can do without it for an hour.
Maintain eye contact
Just because you’re not in person doesn’t mean you don’t need to maintain eye contact. Practice looking at the camera in a way that feels natural for you. There are ways that you can fake this, including by looking just slightly behind or below the lens. That said, it can be really obvious – and distracting – if you spend the whole time looking away from your interviewers.
Watch your mannerisms
Like in in-person interviews, your mannerisms can affect how interviewers perceive you. Don’t think that being on camera means these little quirks aren’t being seen – in fact, they’re possibly even more obvious on screen. Avoid things like swivelling on your chair, chewing on your pen or fidgeting. These behaviours don’t portray you in the best light to the interviewers, and can even be potentially distracting for them.
Sticky notes are your best friend
While you normally can’t take notes into in-person interviews, you can strategically use them in your video interview. If you’re the kind of person that forgets what the STAR method stands for, or need a bit of a prod on how to answer some technical questions, you can place sticky notes next to or near your computer. Alternatively, a little inspirational quote wouldn’t go astray either!
While you won’t have time to check out your textbook during your interview, this trick could potentially assist anyone who is forgetful or nervous.
Practice active engagement
Perhaps even more than in-person interviews, active engagement is key during video interviews. That means nodding and responding to statements, seeking clarifications, and showing the interviewers that you are paying attention. Just because you are at home doesn’t mean you can day dream, so make sure you engage with your panel as much as possible.
Let us know if you have any other great tips! If you need any more support, NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association members can call 02 8595 1234. If you’re not yet a member, you can also sign up here.
And if you’re lucky enough to receive a placement, check out the amazing Student to New Grad webinars, offered by the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association.