A new ePetition has been making the rounds on nurse-to-patient ratios, in attempt to force NSW Parliament to debate the idea.
Here are SEVEN reasons why you should sign this ePetition.
1.Ratios saves lives
International research has shown time and time again that safe staffing ratios decreases mortality rates in hospital. For example, research by Dr Linda Aiken indicates that an increase of one patient to a nurse’s workload increases the likelihood of an in-patient death within 30 days of admission by 7%.
With less nurses, critical care can often be missed. A study found that nurses missed care ranging from emotional care and support, patient mobility, and assessment and document where there were insufficient numbers of nurses.
4. Patient satisfaction increases with safe staffing
Research shows that patient satisfaction scores tend to be higher in hospitals with lower nurse-to-patient ratios. One study found that patients were 10% more likely to recommend a hospital where they had safer staffing.
With less nurses leaving the health system, hospitals are able to save money on retraining and education costs. Further, with an increase in the quality of patient care with safe nurse-to-patient ratios, patient readmissions are starkly reduced – saving the Government millions on further health costs.
7. Ratios work
Domestic and international experience has found that nurse-to-patient ratios work. After California introduced nurse-to-patient ratios in 1999, adverse patient outcomes decreased significantly. Similarly, the quality of patient safety has improved in both Victoria and Queensland after ratios were introduced in those states.
Help us get nurse-to-patient ratios debated in NSW Parliament by signing this official ePetition today: http://bit.ly/ratiospetition