Member Stories
How management manipulates NHPPD
During December 2022, NSWNMA Coffs Harbour Hospital Branch commenced closure of beds on Medical B Ward. This was in response to local management’s inaction to verbal and written escalation of concerns regarding both nurse and patient safety, due to excessive overtime being relied upon to operate at full capacity.
After two days of bed closures, the branch voted to temporarily pause our action as management agreed to enter serious negotiations with the NSWNMA. Management has made it clear that the NHPPD for the ward has consistently been met; however, evident is their omission of the physiological and mental toll the methods being used has had on nursing staff, and the risk to patient safety.
This action has demonstrated how easily NHPPD can be manipulated. For example, the deployment of nurses in positions such as CNE; using nurses with inappropriate skill set from other units, leaving the ward short-staffed; and through the use of excessive overtime.
Our branch currently remains in active negotiations.
Branch members would like to thank NSWNMA officers for their time and ongoing support throughout this action. We know this is not isolated to one ward or one hospital, and we hope to empower others to continue fighting for the safety of nurses and patients.
Sue White, Coffs Harbour NSWNMA Branch Vice President and Councillor