Member Stories
The future for nurses and midwives is on the up
Since the state election on 25 March, the morale in public nursing and midwifery has improved dramatically. There is a unique sense of hope and excitement for the future – one that was long overdue.
This optimism was most evident at our branch meeting, where the 2023 Log of Claims was endorsed. It was attended by more members than any other branch meeting since the Stop Work gathering last year, and our members were positive and confident we will finally see real change.
The 10 per cent pay rise request and 100 per cent salary packaging claims are just the tip of the iceberg. With claims for ratios in so many areas of public health, we can see the difference these moves will make to the working lives of our members. There is a reality before us that these changes are going to begin with the five areas already agreed to by NSW Labor.
We are seeing members who most likely would have never attended a branch meeting before now coming along. These people want to write resolutions and fight for their own areas that are not yet covered by Labor’s pledges or the Log of Claims. These members can now see that we CAN make a change, and the best way to do that is by getting involved and fighting for it!
The future for nurses and midwives is on the up, and we have real hope that meaningful change is not far away.
Rachel Hughes, EEN