Aged Care
New aged care star rating launches
The ANMF and NSWNMA have welcomed the introduction of the Government’s new star rating which went live last month, but remain sceptical of reports that only 9% of all aged care facilities were in the bottom 2-1 star rating.
Federal Secretary of the ANMF, Annie Butler stated that the introduction of the star rating system was a good impetus for some providers to lift their game.
“ We need to know who’s doing a good job and who’s not, and what we can do to fix those things”
“I am surprised at 9%, I don’t believe that majority of providers are meeting adequate staffing levels.” Ms Butler said.
Published on the My Aged Care website, the ratings allow residents, their families and staff to remain informed about the quality and safety provided by their aged care facility or employer.
The establishment of the star rating is the enactment of a recommendation made by the aged care royal commission, which aims to improve transparency, accountability, and quality of care within aged care facilities.Under the system all aged care homes receive a 1-5 star rating for compliance, quality measures, residents’ experience, and staffing. The rating for each subcategory is weighted and contributes to the home’s overall star rating.
The staffing rating details aged care facilities’ compliance with safe staffing levels and documents whether a facility has met the minimum target total care minutes provided to a resident by a RN, EN or PCW and minimum care minutes provided by a registered nurse.
However, an aged care facility’s staffing level rating only comprises 22% of the facility’s overall score, as compliance, quality measures, residents’ experience are also factored into the final star rating.
According to the report, one and five star brackets included just 1% of facilities each, while 36% were rated four stars, 54% rated three stars and 8% rated two stars.
- 1 star rating indicates a significant improvement needed
- 2 stars shows improvement needed
- 3 stars equals an acceptable level of quality care
- 4 stars suggests a good quality of care
- 5 stars highlights an excellent quality of care
Find more information here about the My aged care star rating.