Queensland ratios win improve outcomes for nurses and patients
Researchers have found sizeable improvements in patient safety and staff satisfaction arising from the Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union’s nurse-to-patient ratios win in 2017.
The research, published in the British Medical Journal, showed measurable qualitative improvements in both patient and staff outcomes.
For example, researchers found a 12% drop in 30-day mortality rates per reduced patient per nurse where nurse-to-patient ratios were implemented.
The research also found a 15% drop in emotional exhaustion and 14% drop in job dissatisfaction for each reduced patient per nurse.
The implementation of nurse-to-patient ratios also resulted in more consistent staffing levels in the wards where the mandated ratios were present.
The union has continued to campaign for the roll-out of nurse-to-patient ratios in more wards and clinical settings in the lead up to the Queensland State Election on 31 October 2020.
The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association is also campaigning for nurse-to-patient ratios. Support their campaign by signing this NSW Parliament e-petition.