Private Sector
UNION WIN: nurses and midwives vote down unfair Ramsay proposal
Nurses and midwives working at facilities owned by Ramsay Health Care have emphatically rejected their employer’s unfair proposed enterprise agreement (EA), with 81% voting against the proposal.
The successful ‘No’ vote marks the first time that the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has won an enterprise agreement ballot against the private health giant.
As a result of the strong campaign and vote result, Ramsay has now offered nurses and midwives an interim pay increase of 6.5%, which will begin to hit staff bank accounts from the first pay period after 1 July this year. It combines the 2023 and 2024 pay offers Ramsay proposed before the vote, however it does not include back pay to 1 July 2023.
Despite this interim pay rise, Ramsay nurses and midwives’ pay in NSW will still be up to 12% less than Ramsay staff in Queensland.
NSWNMA General Secretary, Shaye Candish, lauded the “resounding” vote as a result of union power, but warned that action could be escalated should Ramsay refuse to play ball.
“NSWNMA members have not ruled out taking protected industrial action, should Ramsay management fail to make significant improvements to their offer on the all-important issues of staffing and pay,” said Ms Candish.
Ramsay had originally proposed an offer of 3.25%, 3.25% and 2.5%, totaling 9% over three years. The last pay increase for Ramsay nurses and midwives in NSW was 1.5% in July 2022.
Negotiations between the NSWNMA and Ramsay Health Care are continuing on pay, backpay and conditions, including improvements to safe staffing and ratios.
Members working for Ramsay Health Care will be voting to approve protected action from 25 June – 1 July. Contact the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association for more details.