Ask Shaye
Redeployment After a Non-Work-Related Injury
Can I be temporarily redeployed if I cannot perform my full duties following a non-work-related illness?
Under anti-discrimination legislation in NSW, employers are required to make reasonable adjustments to the conditions of employment, including the duties, of an employee who has a health condition, to enable them to participate equally in the workforce.
An employee who is not able to upgrade to full unrestricted duties and hours immediately after their return to work could be redeployed temporarily to another position or area where the duties are more appropriate, and where they can receive more support, and the operational impact upon the service can be minimized.
A return-to-work plan should be in place with a view to a graduated return to full duties and hours in the employee’s original position as the employee recovers.
Please contact the Association for assistance if your employer is considering redeploying you after your recovery from a health condition.