Professional Perspectives
Professional Perspectives: Requirement for recency of practice
As an EN, what do I need to do to meet my requirements for recency of practice?
Recency of practice means that a nurse or midwife has maintained an adequate connection with, and recent practice in nursing and/or midwifery since, qualifying for or obtaining registration.
Should an individual be asked to demonstrate recency of practice as an enrolled nurse (EN), they will need to be able to demonstrate they meet the requirements of the Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice, for the practice on which they are relying on for their recency.
The Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice are the core practice standards that provide the framework for assessing EN practice. They communicate to the public the standards that can be expected from ENs and can be used in a number of ways, including:
- development of nursing curricula by education providers
- assessment of students and new graduates
- assessment of nurses educated overseas seeking to work in Australia and
- assessment of ENs returning to work after breaks in service.
To assist with understanding Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) recency of practice for Enrolled Nurses, refer to the NMBA’s Recency of Practice and other regulatory documents that set the regulatory requirements for ENs:
- https:// Codes-Guidelines-Statements/ Professional-standards/enrolled- nursestandards-for-practice.aspx
- https:// Registration-Standards/Recency- of-practice.aspx
Each individual application is considered on its merits and circumstances by the NMBA.
Nurses and midwives are reminded that as professionals they have a responsibility to ensure they are safe and competent to practice. This is particularly important when nurses and midwives transition from non- clinical to clinical practice and/or change their scope of practice.