Community Campaigns
NSWNMA Mardi Gras float a first
For the first time in the history of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade, members and officials of the NSWNMA are taking part in an official Association float emblazoned with the words ‘‘Nurses and midwives for equality”.
The decision to take part in the parade down Sydney’s Oxford Street on 4 March comes after an extensive round of discussion within the Association about marriage equality, including a recent survey of members.
The survey found that over three-quarters of union members and associate members are in favour of marriage equality. A similar proportion of members said they would be willing to take action to support the LGBTI community in the fight for marriage equality.
As The Lamp goes to print, the survey has already been completed by close to 1500 members.
The survey follows on from the 71st NSWNMA Annual Conference held in July last year, where delegates passed a resolution to support marriage equality.
As well as support for marriage equality, the association is also concerned about the discrimination against the LGBTI community that is still allowed by law: faith-based health providers are still exempt under the Anti-Discrimination Act and can refuse to employ LGBTI workers.
“The NSWNMA holds strong values around social justice and human rights and believes in a fair, just and equitable society for all people,” says Judith Kiejda, the NSWNMA Assistant General Secretary.
The Association’s action in support of marriage equality and the LGBTI community is backed up by the overwhelming body of research that has identified the health risks to those who are discriminated against on the basis of gender, sexual orientation or gender identity.
The Association’s support for marriage equality also aligns with the codes of ethics that nurses work under; nurses are expected to care for patients regardless of their gender, sexuality or other identities, and to treat all patients, their family and friends and colleagues without discrimination. ■