A number of members joined the NSWNMA and ANMF NSW Branch Councils after elections late last year.
The councils are an important part of our democratic structure. It acts as the Committee of Management responsible for:
- the oversight of day-to-day management (which is undertaken bythe General Secretary and Assistant General Secretary)
- ensuring the implementation of policy as determined by Annual Conference
- ensuring the deliverance of the Rules and Objectives of the NSWNMA.
In this month’s Lamp our new councillors introduce themselves and tell us about their aspirations for our union.
The full list of NSWNMA/ANMF Councillors can be found at https://www.nswnma.asn.au/about-us/councillors/
Diane Lang, RN
South East Regional Hospital, NSWNMA Branch Delegate since 2011
Since becoming a RN nine years ago I have worked on a surgical ward in a regional hospital. Before that I worked as an AiN in a local nursing home and for eight years was the NSWNMA branch delegate. I represented aged care members. Aged care is still a passion and I will continue to fight for safe, quality care and improved funding.
As an activist, I was introduced to a new world of workers’ rights by the 2007 Your Rights at Work campaign. Since then, I have been passionate about protecting those rights and have proudly represented and supported members and continue to do so as a hospital delegate.
I will continue to fight for the expansion of ratios in our public health system and their introduction into aged care and for the retention of 24/7 RNs in our nursing homes.
Erin Francis, RN
Mental Health/Kiloh Observation Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital, NSWNMA POW Mental Health Branch Secretary/Alternate Delegate
I am an RN working in an acute adult mental health unit and Branch Secretary/Alternate Delegate for Prince of Wales Hospital Mental Health Branch of the NSWNMA.
I have been a passionate and enthusiastic NSWNMA/ANMF member since becoming involved with the union in my new graduate year in 2014. Throughout the last year I have assisted with the rejuvenation of an inactive branch and doubling the number of our branch members. Since then I have been able to re-engage members and management to see some great success with local efforts.
My vision for the NSWNMA/ANMF is to be a world-class union and a leading advocate for safe patient care, through the continuing campaign for safe nurse-to-patient ratios.
Jocelyn Hofman, RN
NSWNMA Branch Delegate, Bodington Aged Care Service
I am a registered nurse and have worked in the aged care sector since 1987.
I have witnessed the impact of changes in government policy affecting the care given to our elderly in residential aged care facilities and the drastic effect on aged care workers. Registered nurse numbers are dwindling in aged care.
The relentless push for privatisation of government services, the march towards the Americanisation of our health system, our beloved Medicare being chipped away and these ongoing frustrating changes in aged care are the reasons I decided to become a more active NSWNMA/ANMF member and delegate.
Through the NSWNMA, I received education, support and encouragement to drive our local campaigns like Save Medicare and RN 24/7. I, with fellow members, continue the fight to mandate ratios in aged care – a fight that we must win, in the name of older Australians in residential aged care facilities!
As an NSWNMA and ANMF councillor, I will fiercely fight on behalf of aged care nurses to maintain our ability to provide the best possible care for our residents.
Jill Telfer, RN
NSWNMA member since 1987, previous NSWNMA Branch Secretary and delegate, Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital
I have been nursing in the public health system for 38 years, mostly in rural settings. I am a NUM in the dialysis unit at Tamworth Hospital and have assisted our branch with improving staffing in ED and maternity. I am a branch representative on our Reasonable Workloads Committee.
I am committed to improving patient safety and the working conditions for all staff. Patients, city or country, deserve the same amount of nursing care. We need mandated nurse- and midwife-to-patient ratios on every shift on every ward to deliver safe, patient centred care.
I support the campaign for ratios made law in aged care and support nurses and midwives’ working rights in the public or private sector.
We must continue to fight against the privatisation of public health services and for keeping Medicare. NSWNMA and ANMF have been vital in keeping pressure on both state and federal governments through these campaigns and I am committed to continuing to keep up this good work.
Lauren Lye, RN
Acting CNE, Intensive Care Unit Dubbo Health Service, NSWNMA Branch Secretary 2014-2018, Alternate Delegate 2016-2018
I grew up in Tamworth, completing my Bachelor of Nursing at the University of New England, Armidale, in 2011. Since then I have been working as a RN in ICU at Dubbo Health Service. I completed a Graduate Certificate in Critical Care/Acute Care in 2015 and currently Acting CNE in ICU.
I have stood up as an NSWNMA branch official on behalf of members across my hospital to fight for better staffing and skills mix in ED, maternity and on wards. We need enforceable shift-by-shift ratios across all our public hospitals.
I am passionate about delivering quality care to regional and remote communities and believe everyone is entitled to the same level of care regardless of their postcode.
It is critical for our communities that we continue to fight for ratios to be law in aged care and that patients in private hospitals also benefit from enforceable staffing arrangements.
Meg Pendrick, EN
Gosford Hospital, NSWNMA Branch Delegate and President
I am an enrolled nurse with my experience in acute surgical wards on the NSW Central Coast.
I have been actively involved in our NSWNMA branch over this time as secretary, president and delegate. I have stood up to be part of our statewide campaigns against privatisation, and to fight cuts to penalty rates for all workers.
My passion is nurse advocacy, professionally and individually, with a strong desire to strengthen, support and improve the nursing profession. I am committed to strive for a safe, realistic, enduring and professional work place for all nurses and midwives.
I actively promote the benefits of union support and educate on the advantages of unity and endeavour to maximise available assistance.
I sought election to the NSWNMA and ANMF NSW Branch Councils so I can support the continuing campaign for ratios across all sectors to fight for fairer pay, to retain and improve our current work conditions and to ensure every nurse and midwife has a voice every time by listening and engaging all nurses and midwives.
Liwayway (Wing) Besilos, RN
Intensive Care Unit, Westmead Hospital, NSWNMA Branch Delegate 2016-2018, NSWNMA Branch Secretary and Alternate Delegate 2018
I have been a registered nurse in Australia for 21 years and have been working in critical care units (cardiothoracic and general ICU) for the past 15 years.
I have been a member of the NSWNMA/ANMF since I became a registered nurse, except for the years when I worked overseas, as I believe that the power of nurses and midwives is achieved through unionism.
The goal for nursing is safe patient care. With safe patient care, the welfare of the nurses and midwives should also be taken into consideration. Nurses and midwives need a healthy environment in order to deliver care that is not only safe but also holistic.
I support the NSWNMA’s campaign for ratios on a shift-by-shift basis across city and country, in all specialties, in aged care and the private sector. Patients in the whole of New South Wales deserve to be safe and to be given holistic care.
Sylvia Moon, RN
Interventional Services Unit, NSWNMA WWBH Branch, Branch delegate/secretary Since 2000, Wagga Wagga Base Hospital
I have been an RN at WWBH for 24 years, working in every department except theatre. I commenced work in the new ISU in Oct 2017.
Over the years, I have been actively involved with numerous local and state campaigns to improve nursing and patient care including, strikes, rallies and just recently, a ratios campaign at the Relay for Life.
I have met and advocated strongly for nurse-to-patient ratios, shift-by-shift, city and country with the Health Minister, the Leader of the Opposition and my local independent member of parliament. I know we need better staffing in our maternity units throughout the state but we especially need them in our regional hospitals like Wagga Wagga.
I have seen firsthand the amazing changes to nursing and patient care over the years and hope to see more in the future, particularly ratios for those in the country and for aged care.