Ask Shaye
Consultation about significant changes
Question: I am a registered nurse and work in a very busy ED of a NSW public hospital. The ED director has indicated that they are going to change our start and finishing times and wants to change the skills mix of current staffing. Can they do this?
Answer: Not without consulting with staff and their representatives. As per Clause 6 of the Public Health System Nurses’ and Midwifes’ (State) Award 2015, the employer must consult with staff and their representatives should they wish to introduce changes that have a potential significant effect on employees.
Some examples provided by the Award clause include: major changes in the composition, operation, or size of the employer’s workforce or in the skills required; changes in employment and/or promotional opportunities or job tenure for a class or group of employees; the alteration of hours of work for a class or group of employees; transfer of a group of employees to other work or location; or the restructuring of jobs.