Building a health system where nurses and midwives thrive
The NSWNMA has released its latest three-year Strategic Plan, focusing on building a stronger, more equitable healthcare system. The plan aims to deliver a fairer workplace for nurses and midwives while improving healthcare in areas of greatest need.
“At the heart of our strategy for the next three years is ensuring a health system that provides decent jobs with conditions that attract and retain nurses and midwives, and an environment where they can thrive,” said Shaye Candish, the Association’s General Secretary.
The key points of the plan include raising pay rates to reflect the contributions of nurses and midwives, influencing broader political policy such as superannuation reform and affordable housing, and addressing the gender pay gap.
The plan emphasizes building union strength, diversity, and inclusion, ensuring that all members’ voices are heard and reflected in leadership structures. An active, engaged, and growing membership is considered essential for the union to achieve its goals.
Control of working conditions and hours, with a focus on roster flexibility and job-sharing, is highlighted as a critical emerging issue. The plan aims for members to have access to enforceable and meaningful job control clauses.
Safe staffing levels, delivered through ratios and care minutes, are emphasized to provide quality care. The union plans to continue campaigning for functional and compliant care ratios and care minutes in public and private hospitals and aged care.
Addressing the critical shortage of midwives in NSW is identified as another key focus. The bigger picture involves advocating for a universal healthcare system that provides equitable access to quality care for all Australians.
“We can achieve the goals in our Strategic Plan with a strong, unionized workforce, and active and engaged members,” Shaye Candish concluded, expressing gratitude to those who contributed to the plan’s development.