Professional Issues
Student self-care during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic presents many challenges for our communities, and particularly for those in the health sector. The nature of nursing & midwifery is such that we are often very good at supporting our patients, colleagues and families; yet neglect our own wellbeing. It is vital that we prioritise our practice of physical, emotional and social self-care at this time. We have collated a number of resources to help you;
Nurse & Midwife Support
Nurse & Midwife Support is a 24/7 national support service for nurses and midwives providing access to confidential advice and referral.
- Listen to an interview between Nurse & Midwife Support’s Mark Aitken and Sam Eddy about how nurses and midwives can manage stress as they work in this challenging time. Sam Eddy has a Master of Science (Psychology) and is a mental health first aider, experienced workplace trainer, coach and educator. Podcast: Dealing with stress during crisis with Sam Eddy
- Here is some information about the importance of self-care for nurses and midwives and links to self-care resources.
Your Education Provider
Your individual learning institutions may also provide free confidential counselling, you should check to see what your institution can do for you.
Australian Psychological Society
The Australian Psychological Society have published ‘Tips for coping with coronavirus anxiety’ which includes useful resources for managing anxiety related to COVID-19 including how to talk to children about coronavirus.
Beyond Blue
The mental health organisation Beyond Blue has collated information about looking after your mental health and that of children and young people during the coronavirus outbreak.
The Beyond Blue Support Service offers short term counselling and referrals by phone and webchat on 1300 22 4636.
Headspace’s services are focused on people under 25 who need someone skilled and objective to talk to during this health crisis
- eheadspace provides free online support and counselling to young people 12 – 25 and their families and friends.
- Headspace app for meditation, mindfulness and better sleep.
Access Lifeline’s online resources on mental health and wellbeing during the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak by clicking here.
- 13 11 14 will continue to be operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Lifeline Text 0477 13 11 14 will continue to operate 6pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week
- Lifeline webchat will continue to operate 7pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week
- Kids Helpline – for children that may need support 1800 55 1800
Smiling Mind
Smiling mind is a free app that enables you to practise daily meditation and mindfulness exercises.
The Black Dog Institute Resources
- How to get a better night’s sleep during Coronavirus
- Managing your mental health at home: Working from home during COVID-19
- Reassuring young people about the unknown: Information for parents and carers
Financial Assistance
You should check with your education provider on how they can assist you if you are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. For more information about government assistance during COVID-19, visit this page.
Three Rivers University Department of Rural Health (UDRH)
If you are attending a rural nursing or midwifery placement within the UDRH footprint, you may be eligible to apply for their placement and travel grants. Click this link for more information
ACEN Student Scholarship
Eight scholarships of $1,500 provide financial support for students undertaking a WIL placement in a regional or remote area of Australia as part of their 2020/2021 university studies.
Applications close on 30 April 2020. For more information click here.
Edith Cavell Scholarship
The Edith Cavell Scholarship is available to all NSWNMA members. Applications must be made on the official application form of The Edith Cavell Full details of The Edith Cavell Trust Rules and the Official Application Form are available from our website
Applications to the scholarship are for the following academic year, i.e., if your application is made in 2020, the scholarship is for studies in the academic year 2021. Applications open 1st of May and close 5pm, 31st of July each year.
CWA Bush Bursary
NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN) Bush Bursaries and Country Women’s Association (CWA) Scholarships provide selected medical, midwifery and nursing students in NSW/ACT with $1,500 each to assist with costs associated with their studies. Recipients also spend two weeks on a rural placement in country NSW during their university holidays. The placement combines the enjoyable aspects of country life and rural medicine.