Member Stories
Our actions are historic
At the Mater and St Vincent’s Private Hospitals, NSWNMA branch members have embarked on a campaign for nurse-to-patient ratios, better working conditions and fair pay rises, as part of our Enterprise Agreement negotiations.
St Vincent’s Health Australia (SVHA) delayed bargaining for over 12 months, which prompted a campaign by members and a petition, signed by over 1,200 staff, seeking a commitment for change from the SVHA executive.
In response, SVHA offered a wage increase much lower than inflation and no commitment to nurse/midwife to patient ratios.
In late November, we escalated our campaign and successfully applied to the Fair Work Commission for a protected action ballot, with members overwhelmingly voting in support of protected industrial action.
On 22 December, hundreds of nurses and midwives at the Mater in North Sydney and at St Vincent’s Private in Darlinghurst joined in one-hour stop work rallies.
This action was historic and marked the first time in over 30 years nurses and midwives at the Mater and St Vincent’s Private had taken industrial action.
NSWNMA members at both hospitals have continued the campaign for ratios by taking part in ongoing protected action wearing badges, speaking with patients, handing out flyers and refusing to do overtime and other non-domestic duties.
Nurses and midwives are working long overtime hours, are constantly short staffed, and are afraid the ongoing poor working conditions will lead to a catastrophic event for a patient or staff member.
Members are frustrated their pleas for more help are being ignored.
Suzanna Ersotelos, Assistant Secretary, Mater Hospital, North Sydney