Midwifery shortage impacts Macarthur mums and bubs
Significant staff shortages are hampering maternity services in the Macarthur region, prompting midwives to highlight their concerns directly with the Campbelltown and Camden communities.
Members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) Macarthur Branch will gather in their own time at Marsden Park tomorrow to raise awareness about serious understaffing and patient safety issues at Campbelltown Hospital.
NSWNMA General Secretary, Brett Holmes, said recent hospital data revealed an unprecedented 45 full-time equivalent vacancies within the hospital’s maternity services.
“These figures are alarming. Unfortunately, the current staffing system allows for ongoing unfilled vacancies, which puts additional strain on the midwifery staff and also hospital resources,” said Mr Holmes.
“Understaffing at this level has a flow-on affect to local families because the midwives are unable to provide the level of support and education that new mothers need during the first few days following birth.
“After months of raising concerns with South Western Sydney Local Health District, the Macarthur Branch members are understandably upset. They are being put under enormous pressure to meet the local demand and their workloads show no immediate signs of reducing.
“We need our midwives to be supported, so they can provide safe patient care and support to the women and babies of Macarthur.”