Nurses and midwives urge federal government to be bold
The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has joined a chorus of civil society groups raising concerns over the apparent winding back and delay on draft legislation that would have helped to stymie tax dodging by multinational corporations.
Efforts were being made to enact mandatory public Country-by-Country Reporting for large corporations operating in Australia from 1 July 2023 however, it is feared the process has been put on the backburner after the federal government last night referred its Making Multinationals Pay Their Fair Share – Integrity and Transparency bill to a senate committee for review.
NSWNMA Assistant General Secretary, Michael Whaites, said it was a deeply disappointing move, particularly on global Public Service Day (23 June).
“Country-by-Country Reporting is extremely important towards holding major corporations to account and ensuring they pay their fair share of tax in Australia, tax dollars that go towards funding our aged care reform, public health systems and affordable housing,” said Mr Whaites.
“To have this draft bill watered down and referred to a senate committee on the eve of Public Service Day is very disappointing and raises concern about the perceived influence big businesses continue to have in Australia.
“Given the recent allegations against PWC, it is clear more transparency is needed, not less, and not the status quo.
“We stand with other civil society professionals seeking tax justice in Australia and call on the federal government to be bold on integrity and transparency of the multinationals who operate willingly throughout our great country.”