Union wins against Qantas in outsourcing case
The Transport Workers Union (TWU) has had a huge win against Qantas, with the Federal Court ruling against Qantas’ axing and outsourcing of 2,000 ground workers’ jobs.
The court stated Qantas fired workers to prevent them from exercising their rights to bargain for better wages and conditions and to take industrial action. Justice Michael Lee of the Federal Court referred to evidence presented in the court showing Qantas saw the pandemic as a “transformational opportunity”.
Australian Unions Secretary Michele O’Neil lauded the decision as a win for working people.
“The union’s win demonstrates the power that working people have when they stand together, even against businesses like Qantas, who are using the pandemic as an excuse to reduce the pay, conditions and jobs”.
77 per cent of workers sacked by Qantas indicated that they wanted their jobs back, according to a survey conducted by the TW. Further, three quarters have been unable to secure full-time work.
The TWU has indicated that they will be fighting to ensure that their members can get their jobs back, which includes baggage handlers, ramp workers and cabin cleaners.
The union movement will continue to fight against attacks against working people, including the implementation of illegal outsourcing. If you’re not yet a member of your union, make sure you join today.