Member Stories
You need compassion to be a nurse. A premier, apparently, does not
Enrolled Nurse Robyn Mason shares her disgust at Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s wage cuts against nurses and midwives.
Shame on you, Premier!
During this pandemic, nurses and other frontline workers have put their physical, mental and financial wellbeing on the line.
You pay lip service to us and thank us for our contribution, then reward us by cutting our promised wage rise, and freezing future wage rises.
You represent everything that is wrong with this country! It is the same old story: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Why don’t you and your fellow politicians take a pay cut and save the country some money?
You should climb down from your ivory tower and walk a mile in our shoes.
You wouldn’t last one day as a nurse. You don’t have the compassion and dedication that is needed.
You will never get my vote!